About Carla
Your PURE and CLEAN Energy channel
Universal Life Force Energy,
An ancient gift from above,
Radiates from out the hands
Applied to each with love.
We are but the circuit
To help the body mend.
It’s not us who stand as healers
It’s the energy we send.
Our Reiki hands stand ready
For what service they may do
For when we’re helping others
We feel a healing too.
– Unknown source
What energy healing means to me
Carla's Story

I am originally from Barcelona, Spain and have a passion for healthy lifestyles and wellbeing. I first came across Reiki in 2003 in Brighton, UK but I didn’t start my Reiki journey until 2009, by which time I was based in Beijing, China. I am a 6th generation Reiki Master. Reiki lead me to Sekhem in 2010.
“I was working at a nursery school as a Play Worker and at closing time a group of adults would come in with massage beds. I asked my colleague what they were doing. That was the first time I heard of Reiki. One of the mums explained that Reiki was helpful to her little girl with down syndrome to deal with temper tantrums. One day I joined their Reiki share and that was my first experience of it. I remember it as a 20 minute session mostly on my forehead. I fell asleep. I never imagined that all these years later I would be teaching and giving private sessions.”
In 2016 I learnt one more healing technique called Siddha Kundalini in Dharamshala, India. During my first Siddha Kundalini meditation, I experienced my first kundalini energy awakening. In 2018 I learnt how to access Akashic records in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
I also work with oracle cards, crystals, pendulum dowsing and essential oils. I am curious and open to different techniques, which has taken me to experience many, from TRE and rebirthing to past life regression and Anja light, adding to my understanding and approach to healing.
I work mostly from community centres and yoga studios, but I also do home and hospital visits. I have also worked at drug rehabilitation centres with addicts. I hope to have the opportunity to work at prisons, care homes for the elderly, cancer centres, children with special needs and animal shelters.
I recognise the power of the energies I work with and I am grateful for their work. Thus, when speaking of healings I use “We”, meaning the energies and I. I also work with angels, deities and the client’s higher self during healing sessions.
With more than 1,000 treatments and almost 100 courses under my belt, I am solid Reiki, Sekhem and Siddha Kundalini teacher and practitioner. If you are in Brighton, book your private session now! And if you are not, don’t worry. Distance healings are also available. I have had clients in North Korea, Australia, Burma, UK, the US, Canada, Afghanistan and France. So you are never too far! Let love, peace and wellbeing find you wherever you are.
“I am very thankful for all the things these energies have brought into my life and how they have shaped me as a person.”

Her Vision

We wish for everyone to have an inspiring and fulfilling life, in harmony with their surroundings, full of love, abundance and health.
HER Mission

To offer healings and deliver courses from a place of gratitude for all the clients and students that find me, always honouring my practice and respecting the energies.
See my Services

Reiki is an ancient holistic energy healing technique from Japan working at physical, mental and emotional levels that involves the laying-on of hands.
Reiki promotes deep relaxation, accelerates the healing process after injury or illness and reduces pain, anxiety and depression. It brings wellbeing and completeness into your life.
Reiki help you realise that energy is everywhere and everything. It helps you become one with everything that is.
At the heart of Reiki there is simplicity and appreciation for the small things as well as an understanding of several universal laws.
Private sessions, distance healing and courses available.

Sekhem is a different form of hands on energy healing.
Sekhem was taught as part of spiritual practices in the Temples of Ancient Egypt. The word Sekhem means ‘might’ or ‘authority’.
Sekhmet, known as the Goddess of life, death and resurrection, is associated with Sekhem. Her role is to help us get rid of what no longer serves us, for our highest good, in the most loving way.
As the healer within us is awakened, we reclaim our power and move from passive and reactive to Active and Purposeful. Sekhem opens us to achieving out highest potential.
Private sessions, distance healing and courses available.

Siddha Kundalini
Siddha Kundalini is another form of energy healing but the laying-on of hands is not necessary.
It is a combination of ancient yogic and tantric practices from the Siddha tradition in India.
The healing session focuses on the chakras and it includes using crystals and sacred geometric symbols that are arranged in a unique mandala specially for created each session.
Siddha Kundalini works with two female energies, Kundalini Shakti and Sanjaveeni Shakti, to purify you and help you transcend the egoic mind so that you can become the alchemist of your own life.
Private sessions and distance healing available.